Claim : Global Warming Deaths To Quadruple By 2050
Posted: August 5, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, BIG Government, Carbon Tax, Climate, Climatism, ETS, Propaganda | Tags: big government, Carbon Tax, climate, Climate Change, cold, ETS, Extreme weather, Global Warming, green schemes, heat waves, propaganda 3 Comments“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.”
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
The success of Australia’s Carbon Tax has meant that global temperatures have not risen over the past 15 years despite Australia’s evil CO² emissions continuing to rise over the same period 1998-2011.
Note China’s CO² emissions have increased by 300% over the same period 1998-2011. However, their talk of an emissions trading pilot scheme has also played a crucial role in halting the rise of atmospheric temps over the past 15 years.
International Energy Statistics
RSS data shows how BIG Government, EPA regulations, green schemes, green tape and trillions of dollars of your money are working together to save the planet from catastrophic global warming. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs
Despite soaring evil-CO² emissions, there has been no warming trend in Australian summers since satellite (UAH) records began.
Even though global temperatures have not risen over the past 15 years and there has been no warming trend in Australian summers since (UAH) satellite records began, we must not be complacent. We must continue to listen to emperor Rudd’s Government and Deputy Anthony Albanese, who warn us that by 2050 evil CO² related Global Warming (aka Climate Change) heat-related deaths will quadruple.
By 2050 ‘No child or pensioner will die of a heat-related illness’ and we will thank emperor Rudd’s Labor government for linking Australia’s carbon tax and energy prices to the European emissions trading scheme (ETS) – cutting the world’s temp even further and eliminating Australia’s “Angry Summers” forever.
Our grandkids future is more important than being able to afford electricity bills today. Our ‘great’ grandkids future is more important than pensioners being able to afford to use Air Conditioning during “The Angry Summer” or heating in winter.
We must not be concerned green central planning is killing Australia’s international competitiveness, destroying local manufacturing jobs, curtailing investment and sending jobs and industry off-shore to access cheaper, reliable and more efficient energy sources in China, India and elsewhere…
VOTE1 Kevin Rudd & Labor to STOP heat related deaths by 2050 !!
BACK to reality!
Albanese’s heat-related death forecast is classic fear-mongering and global warming alarmist propaganda BS.
Statistics and historical evidence show cold related deaths far outweigh those caused by heat by more than double. However if your government makes electricity unaffordable through draconian climate policy; Carbon Taxers, ETS air trading and heavily subsidised green schemes, you might expect heat related deaths to increase as societies most vulnerable are unable to afford air-conditioning. Heat related deaths would certainly rise if AC is regulated or banned altogether as recommended by UN bureaucrats and those members of the comfortable western climate change elite brigade.
The Facts on HEAT versus COLD related deaths:
The Deadliest U.S. Natural Hazard: Extreme Cold
Posted on December 18, 2008 by Anthony WattsThere’s a new essay from Indur Goklany in response to a recent Reuters news article.
Yesterday Reuters reported on a study which claimed that heat is the deadliest form of natural hazard for the United States. However, this result is based on questionable data. The study used results for mortality from extreme heat and cold that can be traced to the National Climatic Data Center. But these data are substantially different from mortality data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) based on the Compressed Mortality File for the United States. The latter uses death certificate records, which provide the cause of each recorded death (based on medical opinion). It is reasonable to believe that regarding the cause of death, particularly for extreme cold and heat, medical opinion as captured in death certificate records is more reliable than determinations made by the meteorologists in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NCDC (even if they have Ph.Ds.).
The essay draws on data from the CDC database of mortality in the USA. See this table:
Combining data from the CDC database for extreme cold and extreme heat, and various arms of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for floods, lightning, hurricanes, and tornadoes, Goklany has shown that extreme cold, rather than heat, is the deadliest form of extreme weather event. In fact, from 1979-2002, extreme cold was responsible for 53 percent of deaths due to all these categories of extreme weather, while extreme heat contributes slightly more than half that (28%). For more, see The Deadliest U.S. Natural Hazard: Extreme Cold.
Of course we all know that the human race has historically done better during warm periods. While we’ve seen a sloght warming in the last century, we’ve also seen a worldwide improvement in the human condition.
Warm – what’s not to like?
Also this:
In an article entitled, “The impact of global warming on health and mortality,” published in the Southern Medical Journal in 2004, W.R. Keatinge and G.C. Donaldson of Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of London note:
“Cold-related deaths are far more numerous than heat-related deaths in the United States, Europe, and almost all countries outside the tropics, and almost all of them are due to common illnesses that are increased by cold.”
“From 1979 to 1997, extreme cold killed roughly twice as many Americans as heat waves, according to Indur Goklany of the U.S. Department of the Interior,” Singer and Avery write. “Cold spells, in other words, are twice as dangerous to our health as hot weather.”
Read more:
During the 1970’s the Global Cooling scare was to bring drought and starvation:
MAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.
“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.
Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.
A return to cooler temperatures in today’s fragile, . interdependent global economic structure would mean that India, China and the Soviet Union’ — among other northern hemisphere nations — will be hard pressed to feed their populations.
The report notes that’ “the change of climate is cooling some significant agricultural areas and causing drought in others. If, for example, there, is a northern hemisphere drop of one degree centigrade, it would mean that India will have a major drought every four years and can only support three-fourths of her present population”.
“The world reserve would have to supply 30 to 50 million metric tons of grain each year to prevent the death of 150 million Indians”, the re port said.
“China, with a major famine every five years, would require a supply of 50 million metric tons of grain. The Soviet Union would lose Kazakhstan for grain production, thereby showing a yearly loss of 48 million metric tons of grain.
“Canada, a .major exporter, would lose over 50 per cent of its production capability and 75 per cent of its exporting capabilities. Northern Europe will “lose 25 to 30 per cent of its present production capability while the Common Market countries would zero their exports”.
The report, which was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.
21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING Changes to climate to bring uphea…
Reader Bill confirms the Government’s alarmist projections:
Want to read something really interesting? Compared Figure 4-1 in the State of Australian Cities report with the original source which is a 2011 Pricewaterhouse Coopers report. The caption for Figure 4-1 claims it shows projected annual heat related deaths but it doesn’t, it shows “extreme heat events” which are “rare”. In other words it shows projected deaths from rare severe heat waves. Australia has only had ONE in the last 70 years and that was in 2009.
The PWC report says that annual heat related deaths will increase to between 170 and 200 annually with much of the increase due to population increase and an ageing population. So the stories claiming that heat related deaths will “quadruple” to “2000 annually” are off by a factor of 10!
Here’s the link to the 2011 PWC report. See Figure 1 and Figure 3.
- Modelling Climate Alarmism | CACA
- NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago
- Australia’s Climate Comm: Propaganda Unit Blinded By Ideology
- Claim: Humans behind record Australian heat, research shows
MUST WATCH: Willie Soon Smashes CO2 Sea-Level-Rise Alarmism
Posted: August 5, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, Carbon Dioxide, Climate science, Climatism, IPCC, Sea Level Rise | Tags: CARBON DIOXIDE, climate, Envisat, Global Warming, IPCC, Jason 1, Jason 2, Religion, sea level rise, sick science, Willie Soon 19 Comments“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
From JoNova:
Five or more failed experiments in measuring Global Sea Level: Willie Soon
Willie Soon has some fun with the sea-level debate, going back to William the Conqueror, and landmarks in England.
Are sea-levels “accelerating”? Can the satellites resolve sea-level to 1mm changes a year? Why is the raw data so different?
I think the strongest point is the one Nils Axel Morner has made about the extraordinary adjustments in the raw satellite data, which Willie Soon refers too soon after the 20 minute mark.
Willie is always a rapid fire presenter, getting a good response from the audience…
I’d like to know more about Pevensey Castle (7 mins). It was built in 300AD or so, and at the time was a Roman Fort. The sea surrounded it on three sides, now it is 1.5km from the sea. William the Conqueror landed there (or close to it) in 1066. Apparently the water was so high, they used to toss prisoners over the wall and the tide would take their bodies away. Now it is high and dry. Apparently the marshes around the castle have also been actively reclaimed as the land was so valuable. Obviously there are several factors at work. [Google images show how far the sea is now.]
In Roman times Pevensey Castle was next to the ocean, now it is 1.5km away.
Image: Wikimedia
This page describes the last 5000 years of sea-level rise and fall at Pevensey. This apparently refers to Roman Times:
“Boats would have been able to moor at Pevensey Castle, which was located on a peninsula guarding the mouth of the estuary of the Pevensey Haven. At high tide there would still be many small islands of higher ground projecting above water level and evidence of this exists in place names that have the suffix ‘ey’ or ‘eye’ – the ancient term for an island (e.g. Manxey or Horse Eye).”
The expert on sea-levels of course, is Nils Axel Morner: Are sea-levels rising? Nils-Axel Mörner documents a decided lack of rising seas
What happened to the climate refugees?
Posted: August 5, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism uncovered, Dud predictions, Propaganda, UNEP | Tags: Alarmism, climate refugees, Dud Predictions, propaganda, UN, UNEP Leave a commentWatts Up With That?
Hoo boy, government bureaucratic idiocy at its finest. Not only is the original claim bogus, the attempts to disappear it are hilariously inept. Apparently, they’ve never heard of Google Cache at the UN. Rather than simply say “we were wrong”, they’ve now brought even more distrust onto the UN.
Back on April 11th, Gavin Atkins of Asian Correspondent asked this simple question:
What happened to the climate refugees?
It is a valid question, and he backs it up with census numbers. Here’s the first part of his story:
In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 million climate refugees by 2010. These people, it was said, would flee a range of disasters including sea level rise, increases in the numbers and severity of hurricanes, and disruption to food production.
The UNEP even provided a handy map. The map shows us the places most at risk…
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